Download Shalawat Habib Syech Volume 1 - 8 (Plus Live Edition)

Biografi Habib Syech bin Abdul Qadir Assegaff

Gambar 1. Habib Syech bin Abdul Qadir Assegaff

Habib Syech bin Abdul Qadir Assegaff adalah salah satu putra dari 16 bersaudara putra-putri Almarhum Al Habib Abdul Qadir bin Abdurrahman Assegaf (tokoh alim dan imam Masjid Jami' Assegaf di Pasar Kliwon Solo). Berawal dari pendidikan yang diberikan oleh guru besarnya yang sekaligus ayahhanda tercinta, Habib Syech mendalami ajaran agama dan akhlak leluhurnya. Berlanjut sambung pendidikan tersebut oleh paman beliau Almarhum Habib Ahmad bin Abdurrahman Assegaf yang datang dari Hadlramaut. Habib Syech juga mendapat pendidikan, dukungan penuh dan perhatian dari Almarhum Al Imam Al Arifbillah Al Habib Muhammad Anis bin Alwy Al Habsyi (Imam Masjid Riyadh dan pemegang maqom Al Habsyi). Berkat segala bimbingan, nasehat, serta kesabaranya, Habib Syech bin Abdul Qadir Assegaf menapaki hari untuk senantiasa melakukan syiar cinta Rasul yang diawali dari kota Solo. Waktu demi waktu berjalan mengiringi syiar cinta Rasulnya, tanpa disadari banyak umat yang tertarik dan mengikuti majelisnya, hingga saat ini telah ada ribuan jama'ah yang tergabung dalam Ahbaabul Musthofa. Mereka mengikuti dan mendalami tentang pentingnya cinta kepada Rasul Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam dalam kehidupan ini.
Link download per lagu plus edisi live (Mediafire):
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Password Volume 7: habib syech bin abdul qodir asseqaf
Password Volume 8: Ya Hanana
Link download per album (Lokal, Indowebster): 
Allahumma shalli 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad...


Cheat Money Red Alert 2 dengan CE

Di postingan kali ini saya akan membahas tentang sebuah game yang cukup jadul.
Command and Conguer : Red Alert 2 / Red Alert 2 (Yuris Refenge)
Cheat nya bisa bikin duit sampe 999999999 (hanya dengan pake cheat engine).
klok gak percaya coba cara di bawah ini :

1. Langkah pertama kalian buka cheat engine,untuk yang tidak punya bisa download disini.
2. Langkah kedua jika cheat engine sudah ada atau sudah terinstal bisa buka Cheat Enginenya.
3. Langkah ketiga buka dan mainkan game Red Alert 2nya bisa dari game yang sudah di simpan atau new campaign.
4. Langkah keempat tekan tombol windows di keyboard dan pilih cheat enginenya.
5. Setelah itu open process list yang ada di pojok kiri.

 6. Jika sudah click windows list dan akan muncul seperti di bawah ini.
7. Lalu balik lagi ke gamenya dan lihat nominal uang kamu.
8. Balik lagi ke cheat engine dan ketikkan nominal uang mu di bar value dan klik first scan.

9. Lalu akan muncul seperti dibawah ini.
10. Kembali ke game Red Alert 2 dan buat uang tersebut berubah minimal berubah 1 digit angka.
11. Kembali Ke cheat engine nya dan tuliskan uang yang baru saja selesai dirubah di bar value dan klik next scan, misal uangku yang pertama 4000 lalu aku belikan power plant dengan harga 800 maka tinggal 3200
jadi tuliskan 3200 di value bar.
12. Kalian akan melihat 2 sampai  4 addres di bar addres seperti dibawah ini.

13. Jika biasanya kita pilih addres yang hijau disini kita pilih addres yang berwarna hitam.
14. klik 2 kali addres hitam tersebut dan addres tersebut akan masuk ke comment bar.seperti di bawah ini.

15. Klik addres yang ada di coment bar tadi cukup sekali lalu tekan enter otomatis cheat engine tersebut akan membuka dalog box dengan nama value.
16. Lalu ganti nominal angka tersebut dengan yang kamu inginkan contoh 999999999 dan klik ok.
 17. Cheat Telah Berhasil Selamat Mencoba.

NB : cheat ini hanya bisa di pakai di satu map saja jika mapnya sudah ganti anda harus mengulangi langkah di atas untuk cheat uang tersebut, sekarang saya masih coba cari cara alternatifnya. terima kasih para pengunjung. ^^

Dari berbagai sumber


Foto senja hari
Memberikan makna bahwa ingin mengajak bersama untuk memulai sesuatu sejak dini demi untuk mencapai sebuah kesuksesan yang jika dilakukan bersama InsyaAllah tujuan/impian itu bisa diraih.Ditandai dengan telunjuk anak kecil yang mengarah pada puncak sebuah gunung sambil menggandeng tangan anak yang satunya. Mengapa anak kecil yang ada dalam foto ? karena saya sendiri juga adalah masih kecil dan tak pernah menggap dirinya lebih besar dari yang lain
Hal ini bisa anda cermati jika ada sesuatu hal baru saya ingin bisa mengajak anda bersama untuk mencobanya walaupun saya sendiri kadang belum bisa memastikan hasilnya terlihat jelas. Yang terpenting adalah proses pembelajaran dan semangatnya yang perlu dipupuk dan dikembangkan, karena menurut saya tidak ada suatu usaha yang sia-sia dan orang yang berusahalah yang akan mendapat hasil. Ada ayat yang berbunyi : “Man Jadda Wa Jada” artinya siapa yang berusaha maka dialah yang akan dapat.

Ide ini bersumber dari segala arah jagad raya.

Cara Membuka Berbagai File Format Game

Membuka Macam-macam File/Format Game yang tidak bisa di buka, Seperti Underground, Zoo Tycon, Call of Duty, dan Video Game lainya. Anda tinggal pilih File Game yang tidak bisa di buka, Misalnya mau buka file Audio Filenya Underground yang berformat .abk, caranya cari dulu game yang ingin di buka di bawah ini, kalau ingin cepat Tekan kombinasi Tombol CTRL + F, lalu cari nama gamenya, klik Linknya, masuk ke web berikutnya, dan pilih software pembuka file itu yang di inginkan, terimakasih semoga bermanfaat.
Extension File Description Popularity
.0M3 DS Real Save FileAverage
.001Snes9x Slot 2 Saved StateAverage
.555Black & White Weather Settings FileRare
.a26Atari 2600 ROMUncommon
.a52Atari 5200 ROMUncommon
.aaoAmerica's Army Map FileAverage
.abkNeed for Speed Underground Audio FileUncommon
.abkArena Opening Book FileUncommon
.acfSteam Application Cache FileAverage
.acxAtari ST ProgramUncommon
.adtWorld of Warcraft Map FileAverage
.age3scnAge of Empires 3 Scenario FileAverage
.aiBattlefield 2 Artificial Intelligence FileRare
.ainSource Engine Compiled AI Nodegraph FileAverage
.airM.U.G.E.N. Animation FileUncommon
.alrADRIFT Language Resource FileRare
.am1Adventure Maker Average
.an2Croc Legend of the Gobbos Animation FileRare
.arMidtown Madness Data FileUncommon
.arcAfrican Safari Data FileUncommon
.arch00F.E.A.R. Game ArchiveAverage
.arenaQuake 3 Engine Arena FileUncommon
.assetUnity Asset FileUncommon
.atmPSP Game Audio FileRare
.bGrand Theft Auto 3 Saved Game FileCommon
.barAge of Empires 3 Data FileAverage
.barAge of Mythology Data FileUncommon
.bdaeGameloft Game Data FileUncommon
.bfCryoBF Game Data FileRare
.bfgBig Fish Games Application FileAverage
.bfsFlatOut Game Data FileAverage
.bglFlight Simulator Scenery FileCommon
.bgzBlood Frontier Map FileRare
.bicCivilization 3 Scenario FileUncommon
.bicNeverwinter Nights Character FileUncommon
.bifBioWare Infinity Engine FileCommon
.bigElectronic Arts Game Data FileAverage
.bikVideo Game Movie FileAverage
.binNintendo DS Binary FileAverage
.binSega Genesis Game ROMAverage
.binPCSX PlayStation BIOS ImageUncommon
.binAtari 2600 Game ROMUncommon
.biqCivilization 3 Scenario FileUncommon
.bixCivilization 3 Scenario FileUncommon
.blpBlizzard Texture FileAverage
.blpSpeedy Eggbert Game Data FileRare
.blsBlockland Saved Game FileAverage
.blzN-Gage Mobile Video Game FileAverage
.bmdGameCube 3D Model FileUncommon
.bmdMU Online Game Data FileAverage
.bmeBeatMania 7-Key Song FileAverage
.bmsBeatMania Song FileCommon
.bngThe Bingo Maker Card FileUncommon
.bnkTest Drive Unlimited Data PackageAverage
.bnzThe Bingo Maker Card Template FileUncommon
.bs1VirtualBus Vehicle Configuration FileUncommon
.bsaBethesda Softworks ArchiveAverage
.bsbBioShock Saved Game FileCommon
.bspQuake Engine Game Map FileCommon
.busVirtualBus Board Parameters FileRare
.bwaBookworm Adventures Player FileRare
.bzwBZFlag World FileCommon
.c4kClonk Key FileUncommon
.carcNintendo DS Compressed Archive FileAverage
.cbfChessBase Game Information FileUncommon
.cbsCode Breaker PS2 Save FileRare
.cdpTrainz Simulator Content Dispatcher PackAverage
.cdp2Trainz Classics Content Dispatcher Pack 2Average
.cemChildren of the Nile Model FileRare
.cfgWesnoth Markup Language FileUncommon
.cfgeJewel Quest Configuration FileUncommon
.cfrCross Fire Replay FileUncommon
.cgfFar Cry Model FileAverage
.cgzCube Map FileAverage
.chdMAME Hard Disk ImageCommon
.chesstitanssave-msMicrosoft Chess Titans Saved GameRare
.chkStarCraft Chunk FileAverage
.chtSNES Cheat FileUncommon
.cmCLEO Custom MissionUncommon
.cmdM.U.G.E.N. Character Commands FileRare
.cmeCrazy Machines Experiment FileUncommon
.cmlCrazy Machines Lab FileRare
.cnsM.U.G.E.N. Character States FileUncommon
.colGrand Theft Auto Collision FileAverage
.comfycakessave-msComfy Cakes Saved GameRare
.conBattlefield 1942 Configuration FileUncommon
.cpgStarCraft Campaign FileUncommon
.cpkCRI Middleware PackageUncommon
.cpnAge of Mythology Campaign FileAverage
.cpxRise of Rome Campaign FileRare
.crsStepMania Course FileUncommon
.csCLEO Custom ScriptUncommon
.ctCheat Engine Cheat TableAverage
.ctmStar Wars Republic Commando Map FileUncommon
.ctySimCity City FileAverage
.damDAME ProjectUncommon
.datMinecraft Data FileAverage
.datSimCity 4 Game Data FileAverage
.dazipDragon Age: Origins Game FileAverage
.dbX-Ray Engine DatabaseUncommon
.ddbCommand & Conquer: Renegade Data FileUncommon
.ddtFootball Manager Keep Player Data FileAverage
.defM.U.G.E.N. Character Definition FileRare
.dekLackeyCCG Card Deck FileAverage
.dekYugioh Virtual Desktop Deck FileAverage
.dekMagic: The Gathering Deck FileCommon
.demVideo Game Demo FileCommon
.descBattlefield 2 Map Description FileUncommon
.difMAME CHD Diff FileAverage
.dlZoo Tycoon 2 Data FileUncommon
.dm2Quake 2 Demo FileAverage
.dmoDuke Nukem 3D Demo FileAverage
.dmoCube 2: Sauerbraten Demo File Uncommon
.dmsDream Maker ScriptUncommon
.dm_82Wolfenstein 1.00 Demo Movie FileAverage
.dm_83Wolfenstein 1.02 Demo Movie FileAverage
.dm_84Wolfenstein 2.06 Demo Movie FileAverage
.dn1Duke Nukem 1 Game Data FileRare
.dn2Duke Nukem Episode 2 Game FileRare
.dn3Duke Nukem Episode 3 Game FileRare
.dnfDuke Nukem Forever Map FileAverage
.dnsDuke Nukem Forever Save FileAverage
.dolGamecube Executable FileAverage
.dsgDecker Saved GameRare
.ducAction Replay Max DS Save FileAverage
.dv2Divinity 2 Data FileAverage
.dwpDarwin Pond Save FileRare
.dxsDeus Ex Saved GameUncommon
.dzipThe Witcher 2 Game ArchiveUncommon
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.edatSony Encrypted Data FileUncommon
.egmEnigmo Custom Game FileAverage
.eixMetin2 Game Data FileRare
.elfPlayStation Executable FileAverage
.elmEternal Lands Map FileUncommon
.encCabal Online Data FileRare
.engChess EngineAverage
.epcDoctor Who Game Data FileRare
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.erfBioWare Entity Resource FileAverage
.erpAlter Ego Game ArchiveUncommon
.esgEnigmo Saved Game FileAverage
.esmFallout 3 Master FileAverage
.esmElder Scrolls Master FileCommon
.espFallout 3 Plugin FileAverage
.essThe Elder Scrolls Saved GameAverage
.excBlack & White Zone FileRare
.exsBlades of Exile ScenarioUncommon
.farThe Sims Archive FileAverage
.fc2mapFar Cry 2 User MapUncommon
.ffCall of Duty 4 Fast FileAverage
.ffdFATE Saved GameUncommon
.fgdForge Game Data FileAverage
.filaAleph One Replay FileRare
.flFreelancer Saved Game FileAverage
.fmlWWE RAW Character FileAverage
.fntaAleph One Font FileRare
.fomodFallout Mod ArchiveAverage
.forgeAssassin's Creed Game Data FileAverage
.fosFallout 3 Saved GameAverage
.fpgFPS Creator Game Project FileAverage
.fpidFPS Creator AI Wizard Data FileUncommon
.fpkCivilization 4 Data FileUncommon
.fpmbFPS Creator Mab Buffer FileUncommon
.fpmoFPS Creator Map Overlay FileUncommon
.fpopSpider-Man: Shattered Dimensions Saved GameUncommon
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.frcFS Recorder FileUncommon
.frzSnes9x Saved StateAverage
.fs2FreeSpace 2 Saved Mission FileAverage
.fsgFreeCol Saved Game FileUncommon
.fsmFreeSpace Mission FileAverage
.fssaveFlight Simulator Save FileAverage
.fstCrazy Machines 2 Object FileAverage
.fxtGrand Theft Auto Fake Text FileUncommon
.g3xRealFlight Content FileAverage
.galaxyBlizzard Galaxy FileAverage
.gamSaved Game FileVery Common
.gameApple Chess Saved GameAverage
.garFarming Simulator Game Archive FileUncommon
.gbGame Boy ROM FileAverage
.gbaGame Boy Advance ROMCommon
.gbcGame Boy Color ROMAverage
.gbxNadeo Game FileAverage
.gcGalactic Conquest Saved GameRare
.gcfGame Cache FileCommon
.gciGameCube Save FileUncommon
.gcmGame Cube ROMUncommon
.gcsGameCube SharkSave FileRare
.gctOcarina Cheat Code Manager FileRare
.gdwJaws Unleashed Data FileRare
.ggSega Game Gear ROMUncommon
.glbGlulx Blorb Game FileUncommon
.gmeDexDrive Game Card FileUncommon
.gmresGame Maker Resource FileAverage
.gmvGens Game RecordingRare
.gnpGenePool Save FileRare
.goomodWorld of Goo Add-onUncommon
.gpfGecko Patch FileUncommon
.gpfGRAVITY Ragnarok Online Patch FileAverage
.gr2Granny 3D FileAverage
.grfTransport Tycoon Graphics Resource FileUncommon
.grfRagnarok Client ArchiveAverage
.grpStarCraft Graphics Group FileUncommon
.gscCall of Duty Game ScriptAverage
.h2oBattle Realms Game Data FileUncommon
.h3mHeroes 3 Map FileAverage
.h4rHeroes of Might and Magic IV Data FileAverage
.hamDescent 2 Resource FileUncommon
.heartssave-msMicrosoft Hearts Save FileUncommon
.hhslHockey High Score List FileRare
.hiMacMAME High Scores FileUncommon
.hitThe Sims Sound FileAverage
.hmpWorms Height Map FileRare
.hogDescent Mission FileUncommon
.honmodHON Modification Manager FileAverage
.hotThe Sims Sound FileAverage
.hsLaserTank High Scores FileRare
.hwdHedgewars Demo FileUncommon
.hwmapHedgewars Drawn Map FileUncommon
.hwsHedgewars Saved GameUncommon
.hxmDescent 2 Resource ModificationRare
.ibroIncrediBots Robot FileUncommon
.ibtTexture and Model FileAverage
.idx0Runescape Cache Index FileAverage
.idx255Runescape Cache FileAverage
.ifpGTA Animation FileUncommon
.imgGrand Theft Auto Data FileAverage
.imgaAleph One Image FileRare
.inpMAME Replay FileUncommon
.invINVedit FileUncommon
.iplGTA Item Placement FileAverage
.ipsInternal Patching System Patch FileAverage
.isrGoMoku Game FileAverage
.itrIcy Tower Replay FileUncommon
.ivtInternational Volleyball 2006 Data FileRare
.iwdCall of Duty Game Data FileCommon
.j2iJazz 2 Internet Link FileAverage
.j2lJazz Jackrabbit 2 Level FileAverage
.jaJet ArchiveUncommon
.jagJagex Data FileUncommon
.jamPS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Mod FileUncommon
.jg4BigJig Jigsaw PuzzleAverage
.jigsawJigsaw Explorer Save FileRare
.jrzPSP Game Data FileRare
.k2sKaiser 2 Saved GameRare
.kagKing Arthur's Gold Map FileUncommon
.kv6Ace of Spades Model FileUncommon
.kwreplayCommand & Conquer 3 Replay FileAverage
.l3dBlack & White Graphics FileRare
.ldbMax Payne Level FileAverage
.ldwVirtual Villagers Saved Game FileAverage
.lglLeechGet Download ListUncommon
.lgpFinal Fantasy Media ArchiveAverage
.lipReal Virtuality Lip Sync FileUncommon
.lipBethesda Softworks Lip Sync FileAverage
.llList & Label Preview FileAverage
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.lodHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Graphics FileUncommon
.loveLÖVE Game FileAverage
.lsdRPG Maker Game Save FileAverage
.lswRPG Maker Saved Game FileAverage
.ltxS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Properties FileAverage
.luxbLux Map FileAverage
.lvlGame Level FileAverage
.m2World or Warcraft Model ObjectAverage
.maeMy Avatar Editor Character FileAverage
.manmVietcong Game Data FileRare
.mapQuake Engine Map FileCommon
.mapletMaplet World FileAverage
.masrFactor Track FileAverage
.masseffectprofileMass Effect Player ProfileCommon
.masseffectsaveMass Effect Saved GameCommon
.matoAtomic Combat Saved GameRare
.maxAction Replay Max Save FileUncommon
.mcgameMinecraft Game Backup FileRare
.mclevelMinecraft Map FileRare
.mcrMinecraft Region FileAverage
.mcrePSXe Memory Card FileUncommon
.mcworldMinecraft World Backup FileRare
.mdSharkport Saved Game FileUncommon
.mdSEGA Mega Drive ROMUncommon
.md2Quake 2 Player ModelAverage
.md3Quake 3 3D ModelAverage
.mdlHalf-Life Model FileCommon
.mdmMario Dash Map FileRare
.me2modMass Effect 2 Modification FileUncommon
.memVirtual Game Station Memory FileUncommon
.menuQuake 3 Engine Menu FileAverage
.mglAge of Empires 2 Replay FileAverage
.mgxAge of Empires 2 Expansion Replay FileAverage
.mgxRise of Nations Saved GameAverage
.miiWii Virtual Avatar FileAverage
.mineMinecraft Map FileUncommon
.minesweepersave-msMinesweeper Saved GameAverage
.misSaved Game Mission FileAverage
.misMarble Blast Gold Mission FileAverage
.missionVega Strike Mission FileRare
.mixCommand & Conquer Data FileUncommon
.mm6Might and Magic 6 Saved GameRare
.mm7Might and Magic 7 Saved GameRare
.mm8Might and Magic 8 Saved GameRare
.modNeverwinter Nights ModuleUncommon
.mp2mMax Payne 2 Mod FileAverage
.mp2sMax Payne 2 Saved GameAverage
.mpkProject64 Memory Pack FileUncommon
.mpmMax Payne Modfication FileAverage
.mpqBlizzard Mo'PaQ FileCommon
.mpsMax Payne Saved GameUncommon
.mpzRed Eclipse Map FileUncommon
.mrsGunZ Game Data FileAverage
.ms1VirtualBus Map FileUncommon
.musElectronic Arts Game Music FileAverage
.n-gageN-Gage ApplicationUncommon
.n3pmeshKnight Online 3D Mesh FileAverage
.n64Nintendo 64 Emulator ROM FileCommon
.namG.E.C.K. Mod Data FileRare
.narcNintendo DS Archive FileAverage
.navId Tech 3 Bot Navigation FileUncommon
.nazTotal Overdose Game Data FileUncommon
.nbtMinecraft Named Binary Tag FileUncommon
.ncfNo Cache FileAverage
.ndsNintendo DS Game ROMAverage
.nesNintendo (NES) ROM FileVery Common
.nfoAge of Empires Player FileUncommon
.ngageN-Gage Game FileAverage
.ngcNeoGeo Pocket Color ROMUncommon
.ngpNeoGeo Pocket ROMAverage
.nltrackNoLimits Roller Coaster Track FileAverage
.nsbcaNintendo DS Model Animation FileAverage
.nsbmdNintendo DS Model FileAverage
.nsbtxNintendo DS Model Texture FileAverage
.ntrkPacific FIghters Online Track FileAverage
.nvMAME NVRAM FileUncommon
.odfBattlezone Object Definition FileRare
.ogzCube 2 Map FileUncommon
.omodOblivion Mod ArchiveAverage
.oszOsu! Beatmap FileCommon
.ovlRollercoaster Tycoon 3 Data FileUncommon
.p2mGameshark PlayStation 2 Cheats fileUncommon
.p2sPCSX2 Saved StateUncommon
.p3tPlayStation 3 Theme FileAverage
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.pakSimutrans Object FileUncommon
.pakVideo Game PackageAverage
.pbnPortable Bridge Notation FileAverage
.pbpPSP Firmware Update FileAverage
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.pcdPokémon Wonder Card FileUncommon
.pckPerfect World Data FileAverage
.pcsxstatePCSX Saved State FileUncommon
.pegPeggle Replay FileUncommon
.pegnPeggle Nights Replay FileUncommon
.perAge of Empires Personality FileUncommon
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.pgnPortable Game Notation FileAverage
.pgtPokémon Gift FileUncommon
.phnAlgodoo Phun PhunletAverage
.phyaAleph One Physics FileRare
.phzAlgodoo Phun Compressed PhunletUncommon
.pigDescent Texture FileUncommon
.pigPirates of the Burning Sea Data FileRare
.pjProject64 Saved State FileUncommon
.pk3ZDoom PackageUncommon
.pk3Quake 3 Engine Game Data FileCommon
.pk4Doom 3 Engine Game Data FileAverage
.pkgPlayStation Store Downloaded PackageAverage
.pkmPokémon Saved Game Data FileRare
.pl1Adventure Maker Plug-inUncommon
.playmissionMissionPlayer Game FileAverage
.plfMr. Bean Game Data FileRare
.plnFlight Simulator Flight PlanAverage
.plrTerraria Player FileAverage
.plrrFactor Player FileAverage
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.podTerminal Reality Game Data FileAverage
.pofDescent Robot Definition FileRare
.pogDescent 2 Texture ModificationRare
.ppfPlayStation Patch Format FileRare
.pqheroPuzzle Quest Saved GameAverage
.prefsMMORPG Tycoon Preferences FileRare
.prgCommodore Program FileRare
.prkThrillville Park FileAverage
.profilePandemic Studios Game Player ProfileUncommon
.propertiesMinecraft Properties FileUncommon
.prxPSP Plugin FileUncommon
.ps2Sharkport Saved GameRare
.ps2PCSX2 Memory Card FileUncommon
.psdlMidtown Madness 2 City FileUncommon
.pssPlayStation 2 Game Video FileAverage
.pssgEGO Engine Textures FileAverage
.psuEMS PS2 Memory Adapter Save FileUncommon
.psvPlayStation 2 Save FileAverage
.psxPlayStation Save FileRare
.psysZEQ2 Lite Particle Effects FileRare
.purblepairssave-msPurble Pairs Saved GameRare
.purbleshopsave-msPurble Place Shop Saved GameRare
.puzAcross Lite Crossword PuzzleAverage
.pvpfPet ville Save FileRare
.pwfCounter-Strike PODBot Waypoint FileAverage
.pxpCounter-Strike PODBot Experience FileAverage
.pzlTibo Jigs@w Puzzle FileUncommon
.pzpTibo Jigs@w Compressed Puzzle FileUncommon
.qcQuakeC Source Code FileAverage
.qdpMPQDraft Plugin FileUncommon
.qvmQuake 3 Virtual Machine FileUncommon
.qwdQuakeWorld Demo FileAverage
.radqNeed for Madness Game ArchiveAverage
.rasRemedy Archive System FileUncommon
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.rbxmROBLOX ModelAverage
.rdaAnno 2070 Data FileRare
.repStarCraft Replay FileAverage
.repGrand Theft Auto Replay FileCommon
.resStar Wars KotOR Save Resources FileRare
.rezLithtech Game Engine Resource FileCommon
.rfaBattlefield 1942 Game PackageUncommon
.rfdEmperor: Battle for Dune Data FileRare
.rfgs_pcRed Faction: Guerilla Saved Game FileUncommon
.rfmrFactor Modification FileAverage
.rgpRealArcade Game PackageRare
.rgss2aRPG Maker VX RGSS Encrypted ArchiveUncommon
.rkpRockchip MP4 Player GameRare
.romN64 Game ROM FileVery Common
.rotHomeworld 2 Graphics FileUncommon
.rp2RetroPlatform Player Program ArchiveRare
.rpfGrand Theft Auto 4 Data FileUncommon
.rplToribash Replay FileAverage
.rpyRen'Py ScriptUncommon
.rpyTouhou Project Replay FileUncommon
.rpycRen'Py Compiled ScriptUncommon
.runRune Map FileUncommon
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.rvprojRPG Maker VX Project FileAverage
.rwsRenderWare Stream FileUncommon
.rxdataRMXP Data FileAverage
.s10Brasfoot Saved Game FileUncommon
.s2mStronghold 2 Map FileUncommon
.s2mhStarCraft 2 Map Header FileUncommon
.s2zHeroes of Newerth Game Data FileAverage
.s4mSWAT 4 Map FileUncommon
.s5xHeritage of Kings: The Settlers Map FileUncommon
.sa1Game Boy Emulator Save FileUncommon
.sadBlack & White Audio FileAverage
.savNintendo DS Save FileAverage
.savSaved GameVery Common
.sc2SimCity 2000 City FileUncommon
.sc2archiveBlizzard StarCraft 2 Archive FileAverage
.sc2assetsBlizzard StarCraft 2 Assets FileCommon
.sc2bankStarCraft 2 Bank FileAverage
.sc2dataBlizzard StarCraft 2 Data FileAverage
.sc2maStarCraft 2 Map Data FileAverage
.sc2mapBlizzard StarCraft 2 Map FileCommon
.sc2modBlizzard StarCraft 2 Modification FileCommon
.sc2replayBlizzard StarCraft 2 Replay FileCommon
.sc2saveBlizzard StarCraft 2 Saved GameCommon
.sc2sceneStarCraft 2 Cut Scene FileUncommon
.sc3SimCity 3000 City FileUncommon
.sc4SimCity 4 Saved FileAverage
.sc4descSimCity 4 Description FileAverage
.sc4lotSimCity 4 Lot FileAverage
.sceaAleph One Map FileRare
.sceneAntibody Level FileRare
.scfSimTown Sounds FileUncommon
.schematicMCEdit Schematic FileUncommon
.scmStarCraft Map FileUncommon
.scmCLEO Compiled ScriptAverage
.scnSimCity Scenario FileAverage
.scnAge of Mythology Scenario FileCommon
.scnOpenTTD Scenario FileUncommon
.scsPrism3D Game Data FileAverage
.scsSimCity Societies Saved Game FileCommon
.scxMicrosoft Game Scenario FileAverage
.scxGame Scenario FileAverage
.sdfWorld in Conflict Game MapUncommon
.sdtGrand Theft Auto 3 Audio FileAverage
.sdzSpring Content PackageAverage
.settingsMinecraft iConomy Plug-in Settings FileRare
.sfbPlayStation 3 Disc Data FileUncommon
.sfcSuper Nintendo ROMAverage
.sfcCreatures Saved GameRare
.sffM.U.G.E.N. Sprite FileUncommon
.sfoPSP Game Parameters FileAverage
.sgaRelic Entertainment Game ArchiveAverage
.sgaaAleph One Saved GameRare
.sgbSuper Game Boy ROM FileUncommon
.sgbDawn of War Map FileAverage
.sgmVisualBoyAdvance Saved GameAverage
.sgrSimCity 4 Graphics Rules FileRare
.sh2Stronghold 2 Saved GameUncommon
.shaderQuake 3 Engine Shader FileUncommon
.shpaAleph One Shape FileRare
.sidSteam Game Data Backup FileAverage
.sii18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin' Truck Definition FileAverage
.sims2packDownloaded Sims 2 Package FileAverage
.sims3packThe Sims 3 Package FileCommon
.smStepMania Song FileCommon
.smcSuper Nintendo Game ROMCommon
.smdSega Mega Drive ROMUncommon
.smpdSc2gears Mouse Print Data FileUncommon
.smsSega Master System ROMUncommon
.smzipStepMania PackageAverage
.sndaAleph One Sound FileRare
.solitairesave-msMicrosoft Solitaire Saved GameUncommon
.soundsQuake 3 Engine Sound Definition FileUncommon
.sowDescent ARJ ArchiveRare
.sp2Super Ball 2 Level FileRare
.spbFlight Simulator Mission FileAverage
.spcSNES Soundtrack FileAverage
.spidersolitairesave-msMicrosoft Spider Solitaire Saved GameUncommon
.spkDeer Hunter Map FileUncommon
.spoSpore Saved GameRare
.spriteSuperTux Sprite FileAverage
.spsQuake 3 Engine Speaker Definition FileUncommon
.spsSharkport PS2 Save FileUncommon
.sqmOperation Flashpoint Mission FileAverage
.srmSuper Nintendo ROM Save FileAverage
.ssaChildren of the Nile Campaign FileRare
.sstChildren of the Nile Textures FileRare
.staMAME Saved State FileAverage
.steamstartValve Steam Start FileUncommon
.stlSuperTux Level FileRare
.strBFME2 Strings FileRare
.stsgSuperTux Saved GameRare
.stwmSuperTux World Map FileRare
.subSubTerra Level FileAverage
.sudSudoku Puzzle FileAverage
.sv5BigJig Saved PuzzleAverage
.sv5Chris Sawyer's Locomotion Saved GameUncommon
.sv6RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Saved GameAverage
.sveSimutrans Saved GameUncommon
.svsGame Boy Advance Saved State FileAverage
.swcSuper Nintendo Wild Card ROM FileAverage
.swvMicrosoft Sidewinder Game Voice Settings FileRare
.sybSyberia Game Data FileRare
.systemVega Strike Virtual System FileRare
.tafADRIFT Text Adventure FileRare
.tapTap Tap Revenge Tap FileRare
.tbmToribash Mod FileAverage
.tedTribes 2 Game Data FileUncommon
.tedAlamo Map FileAverage
.timThe Incredible Machine LevelAverage
.tjaTaikojiro Song Map FileRare
.tjcTaikojiro Song Map Sequence FileRare
.tkrTinker Custom Level FileUncommon
.tocWorld of Warcraft Add-on Table of Contents FileAverage
.trkPacific Fighters Offline Track FileUncommon
.tutChildren of the Nile Tutorial FileRare
.twtCarmageddon 2 Data FileAverage
.uUnreal Tournament Class PackageAverage
.ucUnrealScript ClassAverage
.ucmCrazy Machines Model FileRare
.udkUnreal Engine Map FileCommon
.ukxUnreal Animation PackageAverage
.umodUnreal Tournament Module FileAverage
.umxUnreal Music PackageAverage
.unityUnity Scene FileCommon
.unity3dUnity Web Player FileCommon
.unrUnreal Level MapAverage
.uopUltima Online Patch FileAverage
.updatriConomy Update FileRare
.upkUnreal Engine 3 PackageCommon
.uqmThe Ur-Quan Masters Game Data FileRare
.usaUnreal Saved Game FileAverage
.usxUnreal Static MeshesAverage
.ut2Unreal Tournament MapAverage
.ut2modUnreal Tournament 2003/2004 Module FileAverage
.ut3Unreal Tournament 3 Map FileAverage
.ut4modUnreal Tournament 2004 ModuleAverage
.utcBioware Creature FileAverage
.utwUnity Whirld FileUncommon
.utxUnreal Texture PackageAverage
.uvxUnreal Tournament 2003 Saved GameAverage
.uxxUnreal Tournament CacheAverage
.v64Nintendo 64 ROM DumpAverage
.vbVirtual Boy ROM FileAverage
.vbfCity Interactive Game Data FileRare
.vcmVice City Mod Manager FileAverage
.vdfGothic Game Data FileUncommon
.vgiVista Game Explorer Editor Game FileRare
.visVisibility Image FileRare
.vivPlayStation Video FileRare
.vmfValve Map FileAverage
.vmxValve Map Backup FileUncommon
.vobLive for Speed Car FileAverage
.volVideo Game ArchiveAverage
.vpVolition Package FileUncommon
.vpkValve PakCommon
.vtfValve Texture FileCommon
.w3gWarcraft 3 Replay FileAverage
.w3mWarcraft 3 Map FileCommon
.w3nWarcraft 3 Expansion Campaign FileCommon
.w3xWarcraft 3 Expansion Map FIleCommon
.w3zWarcraft 3 Saved Game FileAverage
.wadNintendo Wii Game Data FileAverage
.wadDoom WAD FileCommon
.wagameWorms Armageddon Game RecordingAverage
.walQuake 2 Texture FileAverage
.wbfsWii Backup File System FileUncommon
.wbtToribash Help FileAverage
.wdbBlizzard World of Warcraft Database FileAverage
.wdfWiimm Disc FileUncommon
.weapQuake 3 Engine Weapon FileUncommon
.wgfWidelands Game FileRare
.wl6Wolfenstein 3D Data FileUncommon
.wldTerraria World FileAverage
.wmfWidelands Map FileRare
.wmoWorld of Warcraft World Map ObjectUncommon
.wolfquestWolfQuest Saved GameUncommon
.wplGTA Binary Item Placement FileUncommon
.wpmWarcraft 3 Path Map FileUncommon
.wptCube 2 Waypoint FileRare
.wrplWidelands Saved Game FileRare
.wrpl.wgfWidelands Initial Saved Game FileRare
.wtdGrand Theft Auto IV Textures FileAverage
.wtfWorld of Warcraft Text FileAverage
.wxFlight Simulator Weather FileUncommon
.wzWarzone 2100 Data FileAverage
.wzMapleStory Game Data FileCommon
.xanWorms Map FileUncommon
.xbeXbox Executable FileAverage
.xbsavMass Effect 2 Xbox Saved GameUncommon
.xdsDS Game Maker Project FileAverage
.xenGuitar Hero III Data FileAverage
.xexXbox 360 Executable FileCommon
.xmbX-Wing Mission Briefing FileAverage
.xmbAge of Empires Game Data FileAverage
.xnbXNA Game Studio Binary PackageAverage
.xomWorms 3D Object FileAverage
.xp3KiriKiri Package FileAverage
.xp4KiriKiri PackageTncommon
.xpdPlayStation Store PSP License FileAverage
.xpkWWE RAW Model FileAverage
.xsAge of Empires 3 Map AI GeneratorAverage
.xtlVietcong Data FileRare
.y3aYu-Gi-Oh! ONLINE 3 Avatar FileUncommon
.y3dYu-Gi-Oh! ONLINE 3 Deck FileUncommon
.ycmYugioh Card Maker FileAverage
.ydcYu-Gi-Oh! Card Deck FileAverage
.ydrYu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Replay FileAverage
.ydtYu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Data FileRare
.yfsYSFLIGHT Mission FileUncommon
.z2fZoo Tycoon 2 Object FileAverage
.z64Nintendo 64 Game ROMAverage
.zdsGZDoom Save FileAverage
.zipMAME Game ROMCommon
.zmapZombies Ate My Neighbors Map FileAverage
.zooZoo Tycoon Saved GameRare
.zs0ZSNES Slot 0 Save State FileAverage
.zs1ZSNES Slot 1 Save State FileAverage
.zs2ZSNES Slot 2 Save State FileAverage
.zs3ZSNES Slot 3 Save State FileAverage
.zs4ZSNES Slot 4 Save State FileAverage
.zs5ZSNES Slot 5 Save State FileAverage
.zs6ZSNES Slot 6 Save State FileAverage
.zs7ZSNES Slot 7 Save State FileAverage
.zs8ZSNES Slot 8 Save State FileAverage
.zs9ZSNES Slot 9 Save State FileAverage
.zsdDave Mirra Freestyle BMX Data FileRare
.zstZSNES Save FileAverage
.ztdZoo Tycoon Data ArchiveAverage
.ztmpSteam Compressed Game Resource FileAverage
.zzzBlack & White Game Data FileRare

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